Visit to Dnipro and meeting with the head of the Dnipro Regional Council


Establishing contacts and agreeing on further areas of cooperation with representatives of Dnipro Regional Council, as well as presenting our current projects and activities, is the main goal of the visit of ASB Ukraine to Dnipro.

Our representatives led by the head of the mission, Fatima Azizova, held the first meeting with the Head of the Dnipro Regional Council Дніпропетровська обласна рада and presented our main projects in Ukraine.
The «Rebuilding Roots» project which is implemented by ASB Ukraine with the support of the donor Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
«Humanitarian assistance in the areas of basic needs, food security, hygiene, winterization and psychosocial support» project which is implemented with the support of the Auswärtiges Amt
«Modernisation of medical equipment for the rehabilitation of healthcare facilities» project which is implemented with the support of the Austrian donor NACHBAR IN NOT
In particular, the potential opportunities for implementing these projects in the Dnipro region were discussed.
The meeting was attended by:
Mykola Lukashuk Микола Лукашук - Head of the Dnipro Regional Council
Valentyna Zatyshniak - Director of the Dnipro Regional Investment Agency
Alim Molodan - Deputy Director of the Dnipro Regional Investment Agency
Anatolii Kolomoyets - Head of the Department for Health Care, Social Policy and Development of the Educational Sector of the Dnipro Regional Council, Deputy of the Dnipro Regional Council.
Fatima Azizova – Country Director of ASB Ukraine
Serhii Burlachenko – Head of Program of ASB Ukraine
Natalia Kuts – BMZ project officer of ASB Ukraine
«Dnipro region is one of the priority regions for the implementation of above-mentioned projects. Meetings like today strengthen close cooperation with the authorities, and also contribute to the structured implementation of projects in the region. Maintaining dialogue and cooperation with the authorities are very important steps for all of us", - emphasized Serhii Burlachenko, Head of Program of ASB Ukraine.
Many important events are still ahead.

Photoreport of the meeting is here.