Current projects

UKR2305. ASB and GFM «Humanitarian assistance in the areas of basic needs, food security, hygiene, winterization and PSS» project
UKR2305. ASB and GFM «Humanitarian assistance in the areas of basic needs, food security, hygiene, winterization and PSS» project

The aim of the project is to support conflict-affected vulnerable populations in Ukraine with multisectoral assistance to meet their basic needs through provision of multipurpose cash (MPC), food, hygiene and cash for winterization assistance as well as psychosocial support (PSS).  

UKR2405. ASB and ADH «Ray of Hope» project
UKR2405. ASB and ADH «Ray of Hope» project

Main aim is to create a rehabilitation center for 180 children on the basis of orphanage located in Smila, Cherkasy Oblast.

UKR2402. ASB and NiN «Modernisation of medical equipment for the rehabilitation of healthcare facilities» project
UKR2402. ASB and NiN «Modernisation of medical equipment for the rehabilitation of healthcare facilities» project

The project «Modernisation of medical equipment for the rehabilitation of healthcare facilities» is implemented by ASB Ukraine with financial support from NACHBAR IN NOT

UKR2409. ASB and BMZ «Rebuilding Roots» Project
UKR2409. ASB and BMZ «Rebuilding Roots» Project

It's a new 3.5-year transitional-development project, implementation supported by the donor Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.