What we do
The aim of the project is to support conflict-affected vulnerable populations in Ukraine with multisectoral assistance to meet their basic needs through provision of multipurpose cash (MPC), food, hygiene and cash for winterization assistance as well as psychosocial support (PSS).
Building of the anti-radiation shelter of the Korolivskyi Lyceum, Buchanskyi district, Kyiv oblast. The «Back to School» project was implemented by ASB Ukraine with the financial support of Aktion Deutschland Hilft.
Main aim is to create a rehabilitation center for 180 children on the basis of orphanage located in Smila, Cherkasy Oblast.
The project «Modernisation of medical equipment for the rehabilitation of healthcare facilities» is implemented by ASB Ukraine with financial support from NACHBAR IN NOT
It's a new 3.5-year transitional-development project, implementation supported by the donor Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The project aims at supporting vulnerable population groups in the 5-km zone along the ‘contact line’ in Eastern Ukraine (GCA of Luhanska and Donetska oblasts) with food, hygiene and winterization assistance as well as with the psychosocial support. The project is funded by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The project aimed at supporting food insecure populations in the 5-km zone along the ‘contact line’ in Eastern Ukraine (GCA of Luhanska and Donetska oblasts) with cash assistance for food, hygiene and winterization assistance as well as with food and hygiene kits. The project was funded by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany.